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The Sumeire Family, who has been the owners of Font-Freye since 1933, acquired this large estate in 1958 near Pierrefeu, in the Var. The property is peculiar in that it bears two names: Château La Tour de l’Evêque and Château La Tour Sainte Anne. Its past is part of the history of Provence and France. Queen Mary, Countess of Provence, gave privileges on this land to the inhabitants of Cuers. The sister of King René, Queen Jeanne, the Queen of Naples, is thought to have stayed there. Roger Sumeire, who was in charge of the family estates from 1946 and who worked in close collaboration with his father Gabriel, carried out works on a vast scale to build dry-stones walled vine terraces. At the end of 2010, the winery starts enlarging the winery and bottling according to gravity.

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