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The history of the Dourthe family begins more than one hundred and seventy-five years ago. Established in Bordeaux since 1840, Dourthe soon became recognised as a reliable, innovative wine producer in Bordeaux, who provides the benchmark in the winemaking. This pioneering spirit can be witnessed at every stage of history. Around the same time, the Dourthe family also realised that if they wanted to pursue greater ambitions, they needed to expand their vineyards. This was the starting point for the burgeoning implication in the field of viticulture. Since Chateau Belgrave in 1979 was acquired eight additional properties over the last twenty-five years were bought as well. While each property was approached as a unique adventure, during this period the Dourthe family developed a growing passion for vines and wines and launched a major improvement plan across the entire portfolio of estates.

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