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The enchanting story of the bright jewel in the wine industry Ca' del Bosco begins in the mid-1960s when, in Erbusco, Franciacorta, Annamaria Clementi Zanella buys a little house on a hill, locally known as "Ca' del bosc" and surrounded by dense chestnut woods. Maurizio Zanella sees in Franciacorta the land that would generate the finest fruits, both in still wines and in premium bubblies: his winery was the first and best expression of the qualitative potential of this wine territory. A position reached thanks to the enthusiasm and passion of Maurizio Zanella who in the early 1970s became conscious of and followed his artistic vocation, becoming a leader in the Italian wine renaissance and turning a house in a chestnut wood into avanguard winery. Thus, the splendid Ca' del Bosco tales began from this: from a dream, a fairytale born to last through time.

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