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Eighty years of “actual” history, but more than two centuries of business activity in the Veneto: Santa Margherita was founded in 1935 by Count Gaetano Marzotto Jr. – an entrepreneurial figure who played a prominent role in Italian financial matters at his time. Aiming to succeed in creating an innovative agricultural hub that would break the traditional mould of the time and represent a source of modernity and growth, Santa Margherita today produces modern, high-quality wines that appeal to experienced and new wine drinkers alike, both in Italy and around the world. With the help of the enologist Giorgio Mascarin a new “generation” of fine wines was born in the 1960s, benefitting from continual investments in enological research in quality controlled own laboratories. Over time, by creating a real "mosaic of wines" on the basis of acquisitions of other wine companies that have gradually been added to the original firm at Fossalta, Santa Margherita complemented its range, uniting some of Italy’s finest wine production zones in a single Group.

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